Friday, January 19, 2018

Jan 19, 2018 - GENERAL PASS ON

Your form has a new entry.

Here are the results.

DateJan 19, 2018
First and Last NameEMS Lt. Bulla
Your entry
We are field testing a new automated BP monitor the Auxiliary was generous enough to purchase of us. If it proves reliable on the unit, we will officially get it approved for placement on A715. If not, it may be mounted by the Watch Desk for walk in BP checks.

It is only being tested by designated Duty Crews at this time. During last night's testing, EMT Newman moved the cot battery charger to the compartment next to the side stairs (as it has another AC outlet). This allowed the primary AC outlet to support the BP Monitor and ePCR.

Unintentionally, the BP monitor was left on the unit and the cot battery charger was not returned to it's authorized location.

The cot battery charger will be returned to it authorized location tonight (if the Day shift doesn't do it). I called to alert today's Aide (but he was on a call, FF Bowen will attempt to pass along the message).

Just wanted to pass on the info so there was no concerns about the battery move, etc. We hope to soon have a solid recommendation for field use of the BP monitoring device. Just holler if you have any questions.

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