Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sep 30, 2020 - GENERAL PASS ON

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Here are the results.

DateSep 29, 2020
First and Last NameBVFD President Bulla
Your entry
At 1830 hours on 9/29/20 EMT M. Newman noticed the Auxiliary shed was not secured. President Bulla contacted Auxiliary President Wade to take appropriate action. At 2007 hours on 9/29/20, the Aux Pres reported the door handle had be broken by someone apparently banging on it. A temporary clasp and lock was applied to secure the shed. Nothing appeared to be missing, however it was a cursory/low light search of items present.
Wood chips were visible when the door was opened and it was evident that the handle chipped up the wood on the inside plate to force entry.
The Auxiliary will inventory the shed during daylight hours and file a police report if warranted.
Personnel should be mindful of property security and immediately report any suspicions subjects or observations.

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