Wednesday, November 11, 2020

EMS Advancement - EMT Alexis Smith Driver Status

BVFD Team -

Please join the BVFD Officers in congratulating EMT Alexis Smith on becoming our latest EMS Unit Driver!!

Alexis joined the BVFD in July of 2016 and has been consistently taking training classes to earn her status as EMT in Charge and now as an Emergency EMS Driver.  Alexis completed EVOC, then began working through the BVFD cognitive and practical examinations (on our Ambulance, emergency laws, area streets, and hospital running routes). The final training phase required her to demonstrate proficiency driving on numerous emergency calls under the evaluation of an experienced Driver. Alexis drove on a wide variety of emergency calls, including hospital transports to meet the final requirements and earn Emergency Driver status. The BVFD salutes her hard work and constant dedication. 

We salute EMT Smith for her dedication and commitment to serving others, especially during a national pandemic.

Chief Ryman and I salute all of the BVFD personnel who have consistently provided vital staffing throughout the pandemic.  Keep up the amazing work!  

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