Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dec 06, 2020 - GENERAL PASS ON

Your form has a new entry.

Here are the results.

DateDec 06, 2020
First and Last NameKitner
Your entry
- Work order submitted to have station carpets cleaned
- Work order submitted to have tile floors stripped and waxed
- First installment of bedframes delivered and set up - mattresses should arrive in the next few weeks.
- Second installment of bed frames & mattresses requested through facilities to finish out main bunk room and the 4 condos.
- I will be visiting the Counties surplus furniture outlet to try and obtain newer office chairs and a better desk and file drawers for the Captains office in the next 2 weeks.
-Shelving is being ordered to try and arrange the supply closet - storing tax records next to urinal blocks and dish soap is not ideal in my opinion. Shelving should clean that up some.

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