Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Dec 06, 2023 - GENERAL PASS ON

Your form has a new entry.

Here are the results.

DateDec 06, 2023
First and Last NameRogers
Your entry
1. E715 Sonim phone returned and placed back in service.
2. A715 power cot not charging on charging, taken to CMF and was told they will make an appointment for repairs. Spare battery charging in the unit.
3. T715 to CMF for emergency lights not functioning. Found a burned up wiring harness, made repairs and returned to service.
4. RS715 Petrogen Torch pack returned to service - pin that secured torch nozzle found bent and unusable, removed from pack and sent out for replacement. Second pin attached to pack being used to hold the nozzle in place.
5. RS715 obtained loaner Battery Cutters (C365) from A9
IF DEFECT, WAS A REPAIR REQUEST MADE?petrogen torch nozzle pin written up for replacement.

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