Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sat, Jan 18, 2025 6:01 PM - GENERAL PASS ON

Your form has a new entry. Here are the results.
DateJan 18, 2025
First and Last NameHeflin
Your entry
-ventis docking station appears to be having issue with O2 connection and continues to intermittently cause failures in numerous meters. Docking station written up
-yellow pressure washer being borrowed from berwyn heights, orange pressure washer being borrowed from company 18
-all 2450' of supply line had both sides pressure washed, ladder truck was washed, polished, waxed and rims were polished.
-Truck must be rinsed after every call so that the salt does not erode away the wax, if you wash the truck do not use brushes there are a bunch of new hand mits in a purple bag on the bottom of the red cart they must be used to wash the truck so we dont strip the wax or cause swirls.
- for tomorrow if we could get the hook for the front bumper of the truck redone, paint and polish the spanners and hydrant wrench for the exterior of the red wagon, clean and degrease nozzles for red wagon, pressure wash the hose for the crosslays, bumper line and soft sleeve for the front of the white wagon, and if anyone is familiar with installing the rollers for the hose bed of the white wagon if those could go in (preferably in the afternoon to give the paint a little extra time to dry)

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