Michael Ryman
Fire Chief
Burtonsville VFD
13900 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Md 20904
Cell: 570-766-9054
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Marsh, Robert" <Robert.Marsh@montgomerycountymd.gov>
Date: November 11, 2021 at 19:26:51 EST
To: "Clemens, Craig" <Craig.Clemens@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Cook, Scott" <Scott.Cook@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Kitner, Scott" <Scott.Kitner@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Keefer, Joseph" <Joseph.Keefer@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Mundy, Matthew" <Matthew.Mundy@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Mister, Joshua" <Joshua.Mister@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Adams, Matthew" <Matthew.Adams@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Robinson, Marvin" <Marvin.Robinson@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Disharoon, Bradley" <Bradley.Disharoon@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Smolinsky, Eric" <Eric.Smolinsky@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Owens, Wilson" <Wilson.Owens@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Higgins, Christopher" <Christopher.Higgins@montgomerycountymd.gov>, "Rogers, Robert A. (Station 10)" <Robert.Rogers@montgomerycountymd.gov>
Cc: "Ryman, Michael G." <Michael.Ryman@montgomerycountymd.gov>
Subject: 3" Line PE715
Good Evening,
Today we changed the way the 3" Line was racked on PE715. We are asking the station commander and other shifts to allow for a 2 week trial period for this new way of racking the 3 inch. I am attaching a diagram and will do my best to answer any questions. We made the 3" line one continuous line that also allows for a leader line with a 100 FT shoulder line like previously racked. The biggest difference is that we now have the ability to layout from the fireground to a hydrant in the case where the best hydrant is just pass the dispatched address. Please let me know if there are any questions. Thanks
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